The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
Die unterschiedlichen filmische Sequenzen waren als Projektionen im Raum (großes Studio) auf Wänden zu sehen. Sie erzählen von Überlebensstrategien auf engem Raum, von der Subkultur im Gefängnis:
Sucuk aus dem Wasserkocher, Gebetsketten aus Brot,
Apfelbäume aus Joghurtbechern und Duschgel als Raumduft.
Die Sequenzen sind Erzählungen aus dem Interview mit Badaue (Pseudonym). Die zu sehenden Handlungen hat er, während der Zeit der Untersuchungshaft, zum Teil selbst entwickelt, zum Teil von anderen Inhaftierten erfahren.
Beschreibung (en)
The different film sequences were shown as projections in the room (Studio) on walls. They tell of survival strategies in confined spaces, of the subculture in prison:
Sucuk from a kettle, prayer chains made of bread,
apple trees from yogurt pots, and shower gel as a room scent.
The sequences are narrations from the interview with Badaue (pseudonym). He developed the actions to be seen, during the time of pre-trial detention, partly himself, partly experienced from other detainees.