The Dip LED Lamp is an upright disk, radiating directional light. The small dimensions of the LED technology allow for a tilted forward layout of the individual light-emitting diodes in the body of the lamp. This basically means glare-free light, but by playfully rolling the lamp to and fro, the light can be guided in any direction desired. The built-in battery makes the lamp independent of a fixed place, giving it a fun aspect beyond its functional quality.
The Dip LED Lamp is an upright disk, radiating directional light. The small dimensions of the LED technology allow for a tilted forward layout of the individual light-emitting diodes in the body of the lamp. This basically means glare-free light, but by playfully rolling the lamp to and fro, the light can be guided in any direction desired. The built-in battery makes the lamp independent of a fixed place, giving it a fun aspect beyond its functional quality.
The Dip LED Lamp is an upright disk, radiating directional light. The small dimensions of the LED technology allow for a tilted forward layout of the individual light-emitting diodes in the body of the lamp. This basically means glare-free light, but by playfully rolling the lamp to and fro, the light can be guided in any direction desired. The built-in battery makes the lamp independent of a fixed place, giving it a fun aspect beyond its functional quality.
The Dip LED Lamp is an upright disk, radiating directional light. The small dimensions of the LED technology allow for a tilted forward layout of the individual light-emitting diodes in the body of the lamp. This basically means glare-free light, but by playfully rolling the lamp to and fro, the light can be guided in any direction desired. The built-in battery makes the lamp independent of a fixed place, giving it a fun aspect beyond its functional quality.
The Dip LED Lamp is an upright disk, radiating directional light. The small dimensions of the LED technology allow for a tilted forward layout of the individual light-emitting diodes in the body of the lamp. This basically means glare-free light, but by playfully rolling the lamp to and fro, the light can be guided in any direction desired. The built-in battery makes the lamp independent of a fixed place, giving it a fun aspect beyond its functional quality.
The Dip LED Lamp is an upright disk, radiating directional light. The small dimensions of the LED technology allow for a tilted forward layout of the individual light-emitting diodes in the body of the lamp. This basically means glare-free light, but by playfully rolling the lamp to and fro, the light can be guided in any direction desired. The built-in battery makes the lamp independent of a fixed place, giving it a fun aspect beyond its functional quality.
Das Interview-Archiv von Filmkritiker und Filmemacher Gideon Bachmann beinhaltet in etwa 500 Interviews mit bekannten Filmpersönlichkeiten, die in den Jahren zwischen 1954 und 2011 geführt wurden, und seit einigen Jahren am ZKM beheimatet ist. In den halbstündigen Gesprächen geht es Gideon Bachmann um nichts weniger als: "Why you make films? What you expect from the audience? Why you think audience is going to films? To what extent they expect to see the truth and to what extent they expect to see dreams, to what extent they expect to see other people, and to what extent they expect to see themselve?"
Auf dem diesjährigen Rundgang werden sechs ausgewählte Interviews präesentiert, und passende Filme der interviewten Filmemacher an den Abenden im blauen Salon vorgeführt.
Vorführung der Tonbänder in englischer Sprache, Raum 305, Freitag und Samstag, zwischen 15 Uhr und 19Uhr, jeweils zur vollen Stunde
Filmvorführungen (in Originalversionen mit Untertitel), blauer Salon, Donnerstag, Freitag und Samstag, 21 Uhr