We live in times of high competition. Survival of the fittest is the omnipresent motto in most fields of human action, especially in the western world. This philosophy was only established about 200 years ago and manifested by Charles Darwin and especially the Social Darwinists at the end of the 19th century. They believed that according to a law of nature, only the physically strongest and most aggressive individuals and species would survive in the struggle for life. Many Social Darwinists justified therefore capitalism and racism with devastating consequences in the coming decades until nowadays.
Peter Kropotkin is attempting in his philosophical work Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902) to dismantle their arguments and based on numerous observations of zoologists and anthropologists, he proves, that the fittest species are the most sociable ones and that sociability develops intelligence, which is the most powerful arm in the struggle for survival. This includes insects, animals and humans. Higher moral sentiments and compassion is also essential for survival in all societies.
The ritual burning of sage in nature should help to cleanse the negative energy of social darwinism in our world and make room for a more cooperative society, that will secure the well-being of all members, even the most weak ones and furthermore facilitate a more sustainable, safe and content society.
We live in times of high competition. Survival of the fittest is the omnipresent motto in most fields of human action, especially in the western world. This philosophy was only established about 200 years ago and manifested by Charles Darwin and especially the Social Darwinists at the end of the 19th century. They believed that according to a law of nature, only the physically strongest and most aggressive individuals and species would survive in the struggle for life. Many Social Darwinists justified therefore capitalism and racism with devastating consequences in the coming decades until nowadays.
Peter Kropotkin is attempting in his philosophical work Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902) to dismantle their arguments and based on numerous observations of zoologists and anthropologists, he proves, that the fittest species are the most sociable ones and that sociability develops intelligence, which is the most powerful arm in the struggle for survival. This includes insects, animals and humans. Higher moral sentiments and compassion is also essential for survival in all societies.
The ritual burning of sage in nature should help to cleanse the negative energy of social darwinism in our world and make room for a more cooperative society, that will secure the well-being of all members, even the most weak ones and furthermore facilitate a more sustainable, safe and content society.
We live in times of high competition. Survival of the fittest is the omnipresent motto in most fields of human action, especially in the western world. This philosophy was only established about 200 years ago and manifested by Charles Darwin and especially the Social Darwinists at the end of the 19th century. They believed that according to a law of nature, only the physically strongest and most aggressive individuals and species would survive in the struggle for life. Many Social Darwinists justified therefore capitalism and racism with devastating consequences in the coming decades until nowadays.
Peter Kropotkin is attempting in his philosophical work Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902) to dismantle their arguments and based on numerous observations of zoologists and anthropologists, he proves, that the fittest species are the most sociable ones and that sociability develops intelligence, which is the most powerful arm in the struggle for survival. This includes insects, animals and humans. Higher moral sentiments and compassion is also essential for survival in all societies.
The ritual burning of sage in nature should help to cleanse the negative energy of social darwinism in our world and make room for a more cooperative society, that will secure the well-being of all members, even the most weak ones and furthermore facilitate a more sustainable, safe and content society.
We live in times of high competition. Survival of the fittest is the omnipresent motto in most fields of human action, especially in the western world. This philosophy was only established about 200 years ago and manifested by Charles Darwin and especially the Social Darwinists at the end of the 19th century. They believed that according to a law of nature, only the physically strongest and most aggressive individuals and species would survive in the struggle for life. Many Social Darwinists justified therefore capitalism and racism with devastating consequences in the coming decades until nowadays.
Peter Kropotkin is attempting in his philosophical work Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902) to dismantle their arguments and based on numerous observations of zoologists and anthropologists, he proves, that the fittest species are the most sociable ones and that sociability develops intelligence, which is the most powerful arm in the struggle for survival. This includes insects, animals and humans. Higher moral sentiments and compassion is also essential for survival in all societies.
The ritual burning of sage in nature should help to cleanse the negative energy of social darwinism in our world and make room for a more cooperative society, that will secure the well-being of all members, even the most weak ones and furthermore facilitate a more sustainable, safe and content society.
We live in times of high competition. Survival of the fittest is the omnipresent motto in most fields of human action, especially in the western world. This philosophy was only established about 200 years ago and manifested by Charles Darwin and especially the Social Darwinists at the end of the 19th century. They believed that according to a law of nature, only the physically strongest and most aggressive individuals and species would survive in the struggle for life. Many Social Darwinists justified therefore capitalism and racism with devastating consequences in the coming decades until nowadays.
Peter Kropotkin is attempting in his philosophical work Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902) to dismantle their arguments and based on numerous observations of zoologists and anthropologists, he proves, that the fittest species are the most sociable ones and that sociability develops intelligence, which is the most powerful arm in the struggle for survival. This includes insects, animals and humans. Higher moral sentiments and compassion is also essential for survival in all societies.
The ritual burning of sage in nature should help to cleanse the negative energy of social darwinism in our world and make room for a more cooperative society, that will secure the well-being of all members, even the most weak ones and furthermore facilitate a more sustainable, safe and content society.
We live in times of high competition. Survival of the fittest is the omnipresent motto in most fields of human action, especially in the western world. This philosophy was only established about 200 years ago and manifested by Charles Darwin and especially the Social Darwinists at the end of the 19th century. They believed that according to a law of nature, only the physically strongest and most aggressive individuals and species would survive in the struggle for life. Many Social Darwinists justified therefore capitalism and racism with devastating consequences in the coming decades until nowadays.
Peter Kropotkin is attempting in his philosophical work Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902) to dismantle their arguments and based on numerous observations of zoologists and anthropologists, he proves, that the fittest species are the most sociable ones and that sociability develops intelligence, which is the most powerful arm in the struggle for survival. This includes insects, animals and humans. Higher moral sentiments and compassion is also essential for survival in all societies.
The ritual burning of sage in nature should help to cleanse the negative energy of social darwinism in our world and make room for a more cooperative society, that will secure the well-being of all members, even the most weak ones and furthermore facilitate a more sustainable, safe and content society.
We live in times of high competition. Survival of the fittest is the omnipresent motto in most fields of human action, especially in the western world. This philosophy was only established about 200 years ago and manifested by Charles Darwin and especially the Social Darwinists at the end of the 19th century. They believed that according to a law of nature, only the physically strongest and most aggressive individuals and species would survive in the struggle for life. Many Social Darwinists justified therefore capitalism and racism with devastating consequences in the coming decades until nowadays.
Peter Kropotkin is attempting in his philosophical work Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902) to dismantle their arguments and based on numerous observations of zoologists and anthropologists, he proves, that the fittest species are the most sociable ones and that sociability develops intelligence, which is the most powerful arm in the struggle for survival. This includes insects, animals and humans. Higher moral sentiments and compassion is also essential for survival in all societies.
The ritual burning of sage in nature should help to cleanse the negative energy of social darwinism in our world and make room for a more cooperative society, that will secure the well-being of all members, even the most weak ones and furthermore facilitate a more sustainable, safe and content society.
Die unterschiedlichen filmische Sequenzen waren als Projektionen im Raum (großes Studio) auf Wänden zu sehen. Sie erzählen von Überlebensstrategien auf engem Raum, von der Subkultur im Gefängnis:
Sucuk aus dem Wasserkocher, Gebetsketten aus Brot,
Apfelbäume aus Joghurtbechern und Duschgel als Raumduft.
Die Sequenzen sind Erzählungen aus dem Interview mit Badaue (Pseudonym). Die zu sehenden Handlungen hat er, während der Zeit der Untersuchungshaft, zum Teil selbst entwickelt, zum Teil von anderen Inhaftierten erfahren.
Beschreibung (en)
The different film sequences were shown as projections in the room (Studio) on walls. They tell of survival strategies in confined spaces, of the subculture in prison:
Sucuk from a kettle, prayer chains made of bread,
apple trees from yogurt pots, and shower gel as a room scent.
The sequences are narrations from the interview with Badaue (pseudonym). He developed the actions to be seen, during the time of pre-trial detention, partly himself, partly experienced from other detainees.
Die unterschiedlichen filmische Sequenzen waren als Projektionen im Raum (großes Studio) auf Wänden zu sehen. Sie erzählen von Überlebensstrategien auf engem Raum, von der Subkultur im Gefängnis:
Sucuk aus dem Wasserkocher, Gebetsketten aus Brot,
Apfelbäume aus Joghurtbechern und Duschgel als Raumduft.
Die Sequenzen sind Erzählungen aus dem Interview mit Badaue (Pseudonym). Die zu sehenden Handlungen hat er, während der Zeit der Untersuchungshaft, zum Teil selbst entwickelt, zum Teil von anderen Inhaftierten erfahren.
Beschreibung (en)
The different film sequences were shown as projections in the room (Studio) on walls. They tell of survival strategies in confined spaces, of the subculture in prison:
Sucuk from a kettle, prayer chains made of bread,
apple trees from yogurt pots, and shower gel as a room scent.
The sequences are narrations from the interview with Badaue (pseudonym). He developed the actions to be seen, during the time of pre-trial detention, partly himself, partly experienced from other detainees.
Die unterschiedlichen filmische Sequenzen waren als Projektionen im Raum (großes Studio) auf Wänden zu sehen. Sie erzählen von Überlebensstrategien auf engem Raum, von der Subkultur im Gefängnis:
Sucuk aus dem Wasserkocher, Gebetsketten aus Brot,
Apfelbäume aus Joghurtbechern und Duschgel als Raumduft.
Die Sequenzen sind Erzählungen aus dem Interview mit Badaue (Pseudonym). Die zu sehenden Handlungen hat er, während der Zeit der Untersuchungshaft, zum Teil selbst entwickelt, zum Teil von anderen Inhaftierten erfahren.
Beschreibung (en)
The different film sequences were shown as projections in the room (Studio) on walls. They tell of survival strategies in confined spaces, of the subculture in prison:
Sucuk from a kettle, prayer chains made of bread,
apple trees from yogurt pots, and shower gel as a room scent.
The sequences are narrations from the interview with Badaue (pseudonym). He developed the actions to be seen, during the time of pre-trial detention, partly himself, partly experienced from other detainees.
Die unterschiedlichen filmische Sequenzen waren als Projektionen im Raum (großes Studio) auf Wänden zu sehen. Sie erzählen von Überlebensstrategien auf engem Raum, von der Subkultur im Gefängnis:
Sucuk aus dem Wasserkocher, Gebetsketten aus Brot,
Apfelbäume aus Joghurtbechern und Duschgel als Raumduft.
Die Sequenzen sind Erzählungen aus dem Interview mit Badaue (Pseudonym). Die zu sehenden Handlungen hat er, während der Zeit der Untersuchungshaft, zum Teil selbst entwickelt, zum Teil von anderen Inhaftierten erfahren.
Beschreibung (en)
The different film sequences were shown as projections in the room (Studio) on walls. They tell of survival strategies in confined spaces, of the subculture in prison:
Sucuk from a kettle, prayer chains made of bread,
apple trees from yogurt pots, and shower gel as a room scent.
The sequences are narrations from the interview with Badaue (pseudonym). He developed the actions to be seen, during the time of pre-trial detention, partly himself, partly experienced from other detainees.
Die Rauminstallation “Elastic Kin” zeigt eine Gruppe von Textilobjekten - Gefüge -, die aus weggeworfenen Kleidungsstücken bestehen. Sie existieren sowohl als Individuen als auch als Gruppe. Die Kleidungsstücke, die in den Straße von K. gefunden wurden und von Anderen in anderen Kontext hergestellt worden sind, kehren ihren ursprünglichen Zweck um, indem sie zu eigenen Körpern werden, die unabhängig von menschlichen Körpern sind. Jede Oberfläche ist wie eine geheime Landkarte, die Spuren anonymer Hände enthält, die an den Textilien gearbeitet haben.
Der Sound der Installation ist ein Echo - fast verschwundener, kollektiver Erinnerungen an vergangene Momente und Orte.
“Elastic Kin” versucht, eine weit verbreitete Verwandtschaft darzustellen, die durch unsichtbare, lose und elastische Fäden imaginiert wird, die ein internationales System von Lieferketten, Arbeiter*Innen und Konsument*Innen, Trendprognosen und unvorhersehbarem Zeitgeist, Massenproduktion und meditativer Handarbeit abbilden. Welche Spuren dieser Kontexte enthalten die Kleidungsstücke?
Das Video zeigt eine performative Intervention im öffentlichen Raum. Es zeigt die Gefüge, die eine neue Existenz außerhalb ihrer Produktions- und Vermarktungskontexte führen: Sie kehren in ein Einkaufszentrum zurück, animiert von den Menschen, die sie einst bekleideten.
The spatial installation “Elastic Kin” shows a group of textile objects – Gefüge – that were assembled from discarded and abandoned garments. They exist as individuals as well as a kin. Assembled from used garments, found in the streets of K., produced by others in other contexts, they invert their original purpose by becoming bodies of their own, no longer dependent on being activated by a human body. The surface of every Gefüge is like a secret map, containing traces of anonymous hands working on them.
The sound in the installation is an echo of almost vanished collective memories of past moments and places. “Elastic Kin” attempts to depict a widespread kinship, that is imagined through invisible, loose and elastic threads mapping an international system of supply chains, workers and consumers, trend forecast and unpredictable zeitgeist, mass production and meditative handcraft. Which traces of these contexts do the garments contain?
The video shows a performative intervention in pub- lic space. It shows the Gefüge leading a new existence outside their production and marketing contexts: They return to the shopping mall, animated by the people, they once used to dress.