Die Arbeit „Nichts, was uns passiert“ oder „Genügend Anlass zur Erhebung der öffentlichen Klage“ thematisiert den Umgang mit sexueller Gewalt in unserer Gesellschaft. Sie fragt, wie und vor allem ob wir durch unsere Sozialisierung gelernt haben, über sexuelle Gewalt zu sprechen. Sie fragt nach dem Vermögen, uns diese Art von Gewalt in unserem eigenen Umfeld (Familie, Freundeskreis, Arbeitsgemeinschaft, u.a.) vorzustellen und danach, warum Erzählungen über sexuelle Gewalt meist in der Ferne, im Abstrakten verortet werden.
Beschreibung (en)
The work "Nichts, was uns passiert" (Nothing that happens to us) or "Genügend Anlass zur Erhebung der öffentlichen Klage" (Sufficient reason to file a public complaint) addresses how we deal with sexual violence in our society. It asks how and, above all, whether we have learned to talk about sexual violence through our socialization. It asks about our ability to imagine this kind of violence in our own environment (family, circle of friends, work community, etc.) and why stories about sexual violence are usually located in the distance, in the abstract.
"Guter Dinge" ist ein choreografischer Dialog zwischen drei Maschinendingen und einem Performer und verbindet Elemente aus Theaterstück, Installation und Tanz.
Beschreibung (en)
"Guter Dinge" is a choreographic dialogue between three machine-things and one performer, combining elements from theater play, installation and dance.
Aufbau und Organisatorisches:
Das Publikum kann sich frei im Raum bewegen (und dabei den Mindestabstand einhalten).
Für ATELIER No. 64 kann die ursprünglich etwa 40minütige Fassung auf etwa 15 Min gekürzt werden.
Gekürzte Fassung für PACT Zollverein: ca 15min (original ca. 40min)
“Critical Zones”: Developing concepts and approaches for grasping the New Climatic Regime (Bruno Latour), that is the transformations in the relations of humans to their “terrestrial” conditions of existence. – The seminar series of Bruno Latour at HfG analyses these transformations as epistemic breaks and shifts of knowledge by drawing an analogy to the scientific revolution in the 17th century, where, after a crisis of former sound knowledge, new epistemic systems, representations and narrations in art, science, and religion had to be constructed and reintegrated into new dispositifs of knowledge. The project tackles an important aesthetic question, which overpasses simple forms of illustration of knowledge: How central is the imaginary capacity of the arts in constructing representations and narrations that are depictions and “generators” of new knowledge systems and therefore vital means of cultural change?
The exhibition at HfG in November will display some preliminary results of the projects developed by the seminar participants. It presents an opportunity to discuss – in a mode of work-in-progress – research questions, aesthetic approaches and epistemic experiments with colleagues and students of HfG and ZKM.
Opening: Nov 7, 19:00; duration: Nov 8, 10:00-19:00, Nov 9, 10:00-15:00
HfG, mittlere Lichtbrücke