
MetakeyLand (creative_work:country)
  • Seite 1 von 120
      Bild:  Photosymbiosen – On Co-Developing with Plant Accomplices

      Photosymbiosen – On Co-Developing with Plant Accomplices

          Bild:  Photosymbiosen – On Co-Developing with Plant Accomplices

          Photosymbiosen – On Co-Developing with Plant Accomplices

              Bild:  Photosymbiosen – On Co-Developing with Plant Accomplices

              Photosymbiosen – On Co-Developing with Plant Accomplices

                  Bild:  Photosymbiosen – On Co-Developing with Plant Accomplices

                  Photosymbiosen – On Co-Developing with Plant Accomplices

                      Bild:  Plastic Tree

                      Plastic Tree

                      Julia Schenk

                          Bild:  Pommes


                          Julia Höntzsch

                              Bild:  Pommesschranke


                              Malte Bruns; Jyrgen Ueberschär

                                  Bild:  Poor Rudy

                                  Poor Rudy

                                      Bild:  Poster


                                      Laurine Haller; Paulina Mimberg

                                          Bild:  Poster zur Semestereröffnung

                                          Poster zur Semestereröffnung

                                          Johan F. Hartle; Heidi Herzig (Glenn Gould); Mathias Lempart; Christiane Linsel; Munitionsfabrik (2017-2018); das Rektorat; 76666

                                              Bild:  Present Tense [Abends]

                                              Present Tense [Abends]

                                              Kunstbüros der Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg

                                                  Bild:  Present Tense [Abends]

                                                  Present Tense [Abends]

                                                  Kunstbüros der Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg