The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design.
In seinem Text „Videowelt und fraktales Subjekt,“ beschreibt Baudrillard ein Subjekt der digitalen Ära, das danach trachtet, „sich selber in seinen Bruchstücken anzugleichen“ und anstatt nach seinem vollkommenen Idealbild, sehnt es sich nach der „Formel einer endlosen genetischen Reproduktion“ (Baudrillard 1989). Technologische Reduplikationen und Erscheinungsweisen des Körpers formen das Konzept des neuen Selbst. „Es geht heute nicht einmal mehr darum, einen Körper zu haben, sondern an seinen Körper angeschlossen (connected) zu sein.“
"Videowelt und fraktale Entspannung" ist als eine Mehrkanal-Installation, die sich auf das Konzept des fraktalen Körpers nach Baudrillard und der Interpassivität nach Pfaller stützt. Sieben Bildschirme zeigen die Verlängerung des menschlichen Körpers, während ein beauftragter Bot ein ungezwungenes Entspannungsprogramm durchführt. Basierend auf der progressiven Muskelentspannung nach Edmund Jacobson ermöglicht die Installation den Betrachter:innen, an der angeleiteten Choreografie teilzuhaben und so die Verbundenheit des Selbst mit der Technik zu erfahren. So ist sie ironisch als eine interpassive ‘Oase der Entspannung‘ konzipiert.
In his text "Video World and Fractal Subject," Baudrillard describes a subject of the digital era that strives to "align itself with its own fragments." Rather than aspiring to its perfect ideal image, it yearns for the "formula of an endless genetic reproduction" (Baudrillard 1989). Technological reduplications and manifestations of the body shape the concept of the new self. "Today, it is no longer even about having a body, but about being connected to one's body."
"Video World and Fractal Relaxation" is a multi-channel installation that draws on Baudrillard's concept of the fractal body and Pfaller's theory of interpassivity. Seven screens depict the extension of the human body while a programmed bot conducts a casual relaxation routine. Based on Edmund Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation, the installation allows viewers to participate in the guided choreography, offering them an experience of the self's connection with technology. It is ironically designed as an interpassive "oasis of relaxation."