Dieses Booklet ist der Beginn einer Sammlung von Geschichten, Erinnerungen und Erfahrungen, die Menschen auf ihren Reisen erlebt haben. Jeder der 19 Mitwirkenden hat nicht nur einen kurzen Text geschrieben, sondern auch auf der Path Tiles Website ein Muster aus der dazugehörigen Route erstellt. Rita Andrulyte hat anschließend diese Muster gestrickt und alle Inhalte gebündelt, um dann mit der Unterstützung von Laurine Haller die Bedeutung, welche das Reisen für uns hat, in diesem Heft festzuhalten.
Die Reisen folgender Personen sind in dieser Sammlung: Alina Bastian, Viktorija Cibulskaitė, Maryte Collard, Nina Eberle, Miki Feller, Erik Grunder, Laurine Haller, Julia Ihls, Henrik Jentzsch, Lukas Klein, Paula Maestrali, Franz Moser, Amelie Poxleitner, Lea Schnurr, Tjark Schönfeld, Anne Scriba, Ella Seiterle, Melanie Wisser und Rita Andrulyte.
Medien-Beschreibung (en)
This booklet is the beginning of a collection of stories, memories and experiences that people have had on their travels. Each of the 19 contributors not only wrote a short text, but also created a pattern from the corresponding route on the Path Tiles website. Rita Andrulyte then knitted these patterns and bundled all the content together in order to record the meaning that traveling has for us in this booklet with the support of Laurine Haller.
The journeys of the following persons are in this collection: Alina Bastian, Viktorija Cibulskaitė, Maryte Collard, Nina Eberle, Miki Feller, Erik Grunder, Laurine Haller, Julia Ihls, Henrik Jentzsch, Lukas Klein, Paula Maestrali, Franz Moser, Amelie Poxleitner, Lea Schnurr, Tjark Schönfeld, Anne Scriba, Ella Seiterle, Melanie Wisser und Rita Andrulyte.
This 7-minute video goes “behind the scenes” of my fascination and reveals how I position myself in this project; the diploma is about 3 of my idols but also about me. Result of several automatic writing sessions, the text uses a plurality of voices to represent different perspectives and versions of myself: the expert, the fan, the vulnerable and the one where I become the object of my obsession.
This 7-minute video goes “behind the scenes” of my fascination and reveals how I position myself in this project; the diploma is about 3 of my idols but also about me. Result of several automatic writing sessions, the text uses a plurality of voices to represent different perspectives and versions of myself: the expert, the fan, the vulnerable and the one where I become the object of my obsession.
This 7-minute video goes “behind the scenes” of my fascination and reveals how I position myself in this project; the diploma is about 3 of my idols but also about me. Result of several automatic writing sessions, the text uses a plurality of voices to represent different perspectives and versions of myself: the expert, the fan, the vulnerable and the one where I become the object of my obsession.
This 7-minute video goes “behind the scenes” of my fascination and reveals how I position myself in this project; the diploma is about 3 of my idols but also about me. Result of several automatic writing sessions, the text uses a plurality of voices to represent different perspectives and versions of myself: the expert, the fan, the vulnerable and the one where I become the object of my obsession.