@prefix Keyword: . @prefix madek: . @prefix madek_core: . @prefix madek_creative_work: . @prefix madek_institution: . @prefix madek_media_object: . @prefix madek_rights: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . a madek:MediaEntry; madek_creative_work:country Keyword:66db771d-7bd4-4c28-9a31-20a4737d2137; madek_creative_work:description_en "Thesis for the degree of Magister in Media Philosophy"^^madek:Text; madek_creative_work:language Keyword:ffac649a-5824-4167-b17c-9f6c3aad142e; madek_creative_work:location_institution Keyword:a71d60f1-0f2c-4abe-be21-8c4402f9ac4e; madek_institution:field_of_study Keyword:0969e413-b980-475d-b899-22ed9eec72c3; madek_institution:graduation-project-type Keyword:c81a51f6-24c5-4f25-b1af-ab54259275dd; madek_institution:program_of_study Keyword:ca1b16eb-5f03-457d-9fe1-f009ec10197a; madek_institution:project_category Keyword:02c24b55-8a28-4c33-a6fe-e1d4db5c07c5; madek_institution:project_leader ; madek_institution:semester Keyword:d91b8920-893d-4aaa-b87d-9ebf6d2da530; madek_core:authors ; madek_core:copyright_notice "© Guillermo Collado Wilkins"^^madek:Text; madek_core:description "Magisterarbeit in Medienphilosophie"^^madek:Text; madek_core:keywords Keyword:eb820bf8-5b10-41f9-a089-d1a008adb0e5; madek_core:portrayed_object_date "06.06.2024"^^madek:TextDate; madek_core:title "The Nature of Total Planning, From Francoist Hydropolitics to Green Capitalism"^^madek:Text; madek_media_object:alt-text "Vollständiger Text der Magisterarbeit"^^madek:Text; madek_media_object:alt-text_en "Complete text of the Magisterarbeit"^^madek:Text; madek_media_object:creator_of_media_object ; madek_media_object:description_en """This paper provides a critical examination of ecological planning based on the continuities that it displays across seemingly disparate political projects and historical periods. In order to do so, it draws on the small rural valley of La Bizkaia in Navarre, Spain. It produces an environmental history of the valley through a detailed study of its hydro-forestry resources, periodising such history according to a materialist reading of its ‘metabolic regimes’. That is to say, through the particular configurations between the natural and social orders that dictate life in La Bizkaia. Initially, the study introduces the valley’s natural characteristics and its property structure, laying the foundations upon which the rest of this paper sits. Subsequently, it undertakes a detailed investigation of Francoist interventions in the 1940s-60s; a massive monoculture of pine trees was planted by the Francoist Forestry Council, which radically undermined La Bizkaia’s natural systems and depopulated it. This paper thus analyses the planning logic behind this natural intervention which, borrowing a term from one of its draftsmen, is named ‘total planning’. The thesis then explores contemporary management of the valley by the Government of Navarre, which has maintained ownership until this day, aligning its plans with the international protocols and standards characteristic of green capitalism. By looking at projects undertaken in the valley for nature conservation and climate change adaptation, which receive funding from the European Union, this research reveals the continuities between Francoist policies and green capitalism, and how both operate under the logic of Total Planning. Under this planning logic, they both fail to accommodate the unpredictability of political conflict and natural systems. Planning thus serves as a lens to explore the political and epistemological dimensions of ecological thought, placing a materialist reading of a small case study into the broader context of contemporary ecological intervention."""^^madek:Text; madek_media_object:project-title "The Nature of Total Planning"^^madek:Text; madek_media_object:title_en "The Nature of Total Planning, From Francoist Hydropolitics to Green Capitalism"^^madek:Text; madek_rights:licence Keyword:a9609b5d-c860-40f5-bc56-5b9f8df16907; madek_rights:usage_hfg Keyword:2fc8199e-c3dd-4ce9-92dd-af7411f3e8e2 . madek:Role a rdf:Property . madek_creative_work:country a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Land"@de, "Country"@en . madek_creative_work:description_en a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Beschreibung (en)"@de, "Description (en)"@en . madek_creative_work:language a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Sprache"@de, "Language"@en; rdfs:comment "Du kannst die Liste erweitern, indem du einen neuen Ländercode eintippst, \"Enter\" drückst und abspeicherst. Bitte verwende ISO 639-1 Ländercodes!"@de, "You can expand the list by typing in a new language code, pressing \"Enter\" and saving. Please use ISO 639-1 country codes! "@en . madek_creative_work:location_institution a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Ort: Institution"@de, "Location: institution"@en . madek_institution:field_of_study a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Fachgruppe"@de, "Department"@en . madek_institution:graduation-project-type a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Typ der Abschlussarbeit"@de, "Type of graduation project"@en . madek_institution:program_of_study a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Studiengang"@de, "Program of Study"@en; rdfs:comment "Die Liste der verfügbaren Studiengänge wird redaktionelle verwaltet. Ergänzungswünsche bitte per E-Mail an orc@hfg-karlsruhe.de"@de, "The list of available programs is maintained by editors. For any additions, please send an e-mail to orc@hfg-karlsruhe.de"@en . madek_institution:project_category a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Kategorie"@de, "Category"@en . madek_institution:project_leader a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Projektleiter/in"@de . madek_institution:semester a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Semester"@de, "Semester"@en . Keyword:0e78a4ec-a435-4119-920f-3e04ea053c04 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "political ecology" . Keyword:230b4531-6ca1-4f63-888e-81481f4cb29a a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "political epistemology" . Keyword:244f9a76-4c31-49b5-9a86-c3ceab6e4862 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "science and technology studies" . Keyword:27bb1283-5389-4bc6-bc41-57e7b46fe85d a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "HfG Website" . Keyword:6fb535a5-6b03-41f5-9e68-5ec114c671f9 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "adaptation" . Keyword:7c147144-1905-4074-99ac-482be51ec555 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Websites der Fachbereiche" . Keyword:8bba6f35-74dd-43e3-ba7a-639353d9ee40 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "European Green Deal" . Keyword:930b434c-e118-4b53-9998-a6f63ab39486 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Social-Media-Kanäle der HfG" . Keyword:9eba9015-61c4-4cac-b3d1-7b47ba114c98 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "hydropolitics" . Keyword:ab33f4be-b41b-4d3e-b75e-ea62b1f58688 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Website und Online-Angebote der HfG" . Keyword:ab5a1ae8-fdd1-4aad-91c2-87c6aa488132 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "green capitalism" . Keyword:bb61612b-0d35-4d25-8468-5716f6b86ace a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "conservation" . Keyword:c40ff7cb-0b7f-45a4-8661-38fb6b4dfe21 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "planning" . Keyword:ca265842-da1f-4c8c-9851-0dd7f713736b a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "ezprogui" . Keyword:d52eee39-a928-4551-84ad-a16bc02440a5 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "metabolism" . Keyword:eac0a701-c453-4068-8b1b-4905af4d2179 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "disaster capitalism" . madek_core:authors a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Autor/in"@de, "Author"@en . madek_core:copyright_notice a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Urheberrechtshinweis"@de, "Copyright Notice"@en . madek_core:description a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Beschreibung"@de, "Description"@en . madek_core:keywords a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Schlagworte"@de, "Keywords"@en . madek_core:portrayed_object_date a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Datierung"@de, "Date"@en . madek_core:title a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Titel"@de, "Title"@en . madek_media_object:alt-text a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Alternativ-Text (de)"@de, "Alternative text (de)"@en; rdfs:comment "Using alt text properly:"@de, "Using alt text properly:"@en . madek_media_object:alt-text_en a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Alternativ-Text (en)"@de, "Alternative text (en)"@en; rdfs:comment "Using alt text properly:"@de, "Using alt text properly:"@en . madek_media_object:creator_of_media_object a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Medienersteller/in"@de . madek_media_object:description_en a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Medien-Beschreibung (en)"@de, "Description of media (en)"@en . madek_media_object:project-title a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Titel des übergeordneten Projekts/Werks"@de, "Title of the parent project/work"@en . madek_media_object:title_en a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Titel (en)"@de, "Title (en)"@en . madek_rights:licence a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Rechtsschutz/Lizenz"@de, "Legal protection / Licence"@en; rdfs:comment "Hilfe zu den Creative-Common-Lizenzen:"@de, "Help on the Creative Commons licenses:"@en . madek_rights:usage_hfg a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Freigabe Nutzung HfG"@de, "Permission usage HfG"@en; rdfs:comment "Diese Angabe sollte wenn möglich die Lizenzangabe lediglich ergänzen oder spezifizieren."@de, "If possible, this entry should only supplement or specify the license information."@en . Keyword:02c24b55-8a28-4c33-a6fe-e1d4db5c07c5 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Theorie" . Keyword:0969e413-b980-475d-b899-22ed9eec72c3 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Kunstwissenschaft und Medienphilosophie" . Keyword:2fc8199e-c3dd-4ce9-92dd-af7411f3e8e2 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Druckerzeugnisse der HfG" . Keyword:66db771d-7bd4-4c28-9a31-20a4737d2137 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Spain" . Keyword:a71d60f1-0f2c-4abe-be21-8c4402f9ac4e a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Karlsruhe" . Keyword:a9609b5d-c860-40f5-bc56-5b9f8df16907 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "CC BY-NC: Namensnennung, nicht kommerziell" . Keyword:c81a51f6-24c5-4f25-b1af-ab54259275dd a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Magisterarbeit" . Keyword:ca1b16eb-5f03-457d-9fe1-f009ec10197a a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Kunstwissenschaft und Medienphilosophie" . Keyword:d91b8920-893d-4aaa-b87d-9ebf6d2da530 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Sommersemester 2024" . Keyword:eb820bf8-5b10-41f9-a089-d1a008adb0e5 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Green New Deal" . Keyword:ffac649a-5824-4167-b17c-9f6c3aad142e a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "EN" . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "Guillermo Collado Wilkins" . madek:MetaKey a rdf:Property .