@prefix Keyword: .
@prefix madek: .
@prefix madek_core: .
@prefix madek_creative_work: .
@prefix madek_institution: .
@prefix madek_media_object: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
a madek:MediaEntry;
madek_creative_work:danke_an ;
madek_creative_work:language Keyword:ffac649a-5824-4167-b17c-9f6c3aad142e;
madek_creative_work:location "Rudolf 5 "^^madek:Text;
madek_creative_work:type Keyword:c49b9e38-2349-4ce8-8b19-2d3e661182a7;
madek_institution:field_of_study Keyword:6b70d4e3-4575-43dd-939c-fa452f9a8bb9;
madek_institution:graduation-project-type Keyword:d31fdc7f-e1da-49bb-9fba-9cc73dadd50c;
madek_institution:program_of_study Keyword:24ae77f0-3e8b-4e9a-9630-073dbcf9be1d;
madek_institution:project_category Keyword:f54bc3db-72d1-4e42-ae7e-fad0d09891fc;
madek_institution:project_leader ;
madek_institution:semester Keyword:6617b3ad-eb8f-44b2-9098-0aed39b480e3;
madek_core:authors ;
madek_core:copyright_notice "©Nicolas Poirot"^^madek:Text;
madek_core:description """WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE AND LIES ARE TOLD (graduation project). Originated by this divine union of @parishilton @britneyspears @lindsaylohan (aka the Holy Trinity <3) the night of the infamous Bimbo Summit, WLAMALAT is the visual and critical translation of my obsession for the #y2k it-girls and #popculture in general. Mixing a religious with a highly commercial aesthetic, the project questions several topics such as women representation in the mass media, visual/celebrity culture consumption and new belief systems.
madek_core:portrayed_object_date "06.12.23"^^madek:TextDate;
madek_core:title "AUSSTELLUNG"^^madek:Text;
madek_media_object:creator_of_media_object ;
madek_media_object:date_created "06.12.23"^^madek:TextDate;
madek_media_object:description """WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE AND LIES ARE TOLD (graduation project). Originated by this divine union of @parishilton @britneyspears @lindsaylohan (aka the Holy Trinity <3) the night of the infamous Bimbo Summit, WLAMALAT is the visual and critical translation of my obsession for the #y2k it-girls and #popculture in general. Mixing a religious with a highly commercial aesthetic, the project questions several topics such as women representation in the mass media, visual/celebrity culture consumption and new belief systems.
madek_media_object:relationship Keyword:47fe659c-c305-47be-ab93-027437e78e9a .
madek:Role a rdf:Property .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Lukas Klein" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Timothée Charon" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Nina Overkott" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Sven Krahl" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Pauline Kuch" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Chiara Kern" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Charlotte Singer" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Hannah Gebert" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Rebecca Lob" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "John Weber" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Merve Abt" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "James Langdon" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Leo Sandra Schick" .
madek_creative_work:danke_an a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Danke an"@de .
madek_creative_work:language a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Sprache"@de,
rdfs:comment "Du kannst die Liste erweitern, indem du einen neuen Ländercode eintippst, \"Enter\" drückst und abspeicherst. Bitte verwende ISO 639-1 Ländercodes!"@de,
"You can expand the list by typing in a new language code, pressing \"Enter\" and saving. Please use ISO 639-1 country codes! "@en .
madek_creative_work:location a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Ort"@de,
"Location"@en .
madek_creative_work:other_creative_participants a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Mitwirkende / weitere Personen"@de .
madek_creative_work:type a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Typ des Projekts/Werks"@de,
"Type of project / creative work"@en .
madek_institution:field_of_study a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Fachgruppe"@de,
"Department"@en .
madek_institution:graduation-project-type a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Typ der Abschlussarbeit"@de,
"Type of graduation project"@en .
madek_institution:program_of_study a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Studiengang"@de,
"Program of Study"@en;
rdfs:comment "Die Liste der verfügbaren Studiengänge wird redaktionelle verwaltet. Ergänzungswünsche bitte per E-Mail an orc@hfg-karlsruhe.de"@de,
"The list of available programs is maintained by editors. For any additions, please send an e-mail to orc@hfg-karlsruhe.de"@en .
madek_institution:project_category a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Kategorie"@de,
"Category"@en .
madek_institution:project_leader a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Projektleiter/in"@de .
madek_institution:semester a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Semester"@de,
"Semester"@en .
Keyword:180f4c86-6944-43a5-a64b-40be739c5fc0 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Diplomarbeit" .
Keyword:2eb30ca6-bd28-44ca-ba10-40f23abd3bf2 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Installation" .
Keyword:a101878a-9c4d-4c87-b14e-d8a308cffa17 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Ausstellung" .
Keyword:f1d36680-b4f2-46ea-987f-0a37b489938e a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Ausstellungsdokumentation" .
madek_core:authors a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Autor/in"@de,
"Author"@en .
madek_core:copyright_notice a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Urheberrechtshinweis"@de,
"Copyright Notice"@en .
madek_core:description a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Beschreibung"@de,
"Description"@en .
madek_core:portrayed_object_date a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Datierung"@de,
"Date"@en .
madek_core:title a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Titel"@de,
"Title"@en .
madek_media_object:creator_of_media_object a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Medienersteller/in"@de .
madek_media_object:date_created a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Erstellungsdatum"@de,
"Creation date"@en .
madek_media_object:description a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Medien-Beschreibung"@de,
"Description of media"@en .
madek_media_object:relationship a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Beziehung/Funktion"@de,
"Relationship/function"@en .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Isabel Seiffert" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Huiyeon Yun" .
Keyword:24ae77f0-3e8b-4e9a-9630-073dbcf9be1d a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Kommunikationsdesign" .
Keyword:47fe659c-c305-47be-ab93-027437e78e9a a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Display" .
Keyword:6617b3ad-eb8f-44b2-9098-0aed39b480e3 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Wintersemester 2023/2024" .
Keyword:6b70d4e3-4575-43dd-939c-fa452f9a8bb9 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Kommunikationsdesign" .
Keyword:c49b9e38-2349-4ce8-8b19-2d3e661182a7 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Ausstellung" .
Keyword:d31fdc7f-e1da-49bb-9fba-9cc73dadd50c a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Diplomarbeit" .
Keyword:f54bc3db-72d1-4e42-ae7e-fad0d09891fc a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Konzeptuelles Werk" .
Keyword:ffac649a-5824-4167-b17c-9f6c3aad142e a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "EN" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Nicolas Poirot" .
madek:MetaKey a rdf:Property .