Diplomarbeit Kommunikationsdesign Sommersemester 2024 Huiyeon Yun ©Huiyeon Yun 18.04.2024 Ghost Story The project was born in response to the passing of an unaccompanied homeless individual in 2018, a person without known family or friends. Her death was cataloged—reduced to data archived in newsrooms and on digital servers. Yet, if this data remains untouched, and her memory fades into obscurity, does her existence persist? She lingers and remains unseen—a paradoxical state of both presence and absence. Within the digital void, she exists as a spectral trace, haunting the silence, waiting to be rediscovered, forever closed in on herself. Such is the nature of ghosts—the living create them. We resurrect the departed in our own ways, through rituals, texts, and the intangible recipes of memory. We read, we create, we consume, and through this, we invite the dead to inhabit us once more. This project is an assemblage of fragments—an exploration of the processes through which we become haunted by the past. Typ der Abschlussarbeit Type of graduation project Studiengang Program of Study Die Liste der verfügbaren Studiengänge wird redaktionelle verwaltet. Ergänzungswünsche bitte per E-Mail an orc@hfg-karlsruhe.de The list of available programs is maintained by editors. For any additions, please send an e-mail to orc@hfg-karlsruhe.de Semester Semester Autor/in Author Urheberrechtshinweis Copyright Notice Datierung Date Titel Title Medienersteller/in Medien-Beschreibung (en) Description of media (en)