{ "@context": { "@base": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/", "madek": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/ns#", "madek_system": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/madek_system:", "Keyword": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/", "Role": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/roles/", "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "owl": "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#", "madek_core": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/madek_core:", "madek_media_object": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/media_object:", "madek_institution": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/institution:", "madek_creative_work": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/creative_work:" }, "@graph": [ { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/entries/92a6661a-1faf-4343-ac33-e97713b74b4e", "@type": "madek:MediaEntry", "madek_core:keywords": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/e76d0611-146d-4d89-9872-b402e56ace94" }, "madek_core:subtitle": { "@value": "Der menschliche Körper. Das Wiederentdecken. Das Akzeptieren. Das Erwachen.", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_core:title": { "@value": "Vakna - Diplomdokumentation", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_core:copyright_notice": { "@value": "Sebastian Finzenhagen", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_core:description": { "@value": " Bei diesem Computerspiel handelt es sich um einen Single-Player im Bereich der Serious- und Educational-Games, das mit Tastatur und Maus gespielt werden kann.\n\nDer menschliche Körper.\nDas Wiederentdecken.\nDas Akzeptieren.\nDas Erwachen.\n\nDiese Gedanken sind der Beginn des Spiels Vakna, einer Gedankenwelt, die sich mit der Wahrnehmung und der Akzeptanz des unbekleideten menschlichen Körpers befasst und dadurch gesellschaftliche Einflüsse hinterfragt.\n\nIn dieser Gedankenwelt ist es dem/der Spieler/in möglich durch auffindbare Fragen und Aussagen mehr über sich selbst, die eigene Wahrnehmung, das eigene Verhalten, die eigene Moral und die eigenen rituellen Gedankengänge den menschlichen Körper betreffend herauszufinden.\nDie Gedankenwelt Vakna erwacht gemeinsam mit der spielenden Person, welche vielleicht beginnt die eigene Wahrnehmung, das eigene Verhalten, die eigene Moral und die eigenen rituellen Gedankengänge den menschlichen Körper betreffend zu hinterfragen, für sich selbst und gegenüber anderen Menschen neu zu ordnen oder zu verändern.\n\nAm Ende dieses Spiels hat jede Person für sich selbst zu entscheiden, ob das Wiedererwachen des Körpers und damit verbundene „Neu-Erleben“ der Welt ausprobiert oder gelebt werden möchte.\n\nAuch sind die Fragen zu beantworten, wie mit der neugewonnen Akzeptanz und Wiederentdeckung umzugehen ist. Doch hat die spielende Person bei dieser Entscheidung sich nicht dem Spiel gegenüber zu verantworten, sondern sich selbst und den Mitmenschen der Gesellschaft. ", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_creative_work:description_en": { "@value": "This computer game is a single player in the field of serious and educational games that can be played with a keyboard and a mouse.\n\nThe human Body.\nThe Rediscovery.\nThe Accepting.\nThe Awakening.\n\nThese thoughts are the beginning of the game Vakna, a world of thoughts that deals with the perception and acceptance of the human body without clothes, thereby questioning social influences.\n\nIn this world of thoughts it is possible for the player to find out more about himself, his own perception, his own behavior, his own morality and his own ritual thoughts concerning the human body through discoverable questions and statements.\nVakna awakens together with the player. The player begins to question the own perception, the own behavior, the own morality and the own ritual thought processes concerning the human body and perhaps to rearrange or change them for themselves and for other people.\n\nAt the end of this game, each person has to decide for himself whether the body's reawakening and the „re-experiencing“ of the world would be tried out or lived.\n\nAlso, the questions to be answered are how to deal with the newly gained acceptance and rediscovery. But in this decision, the player does not have to answer to the game, but to himself and the fellow human beings of society.", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_creative_work:format": { "@value": "3D Computerspiel", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_creative_work:duration": { "@value": "Abhängig vom individuellen Spielverhalten und der Bereitschaft sich auf das Thema einzulassen.", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_institution:project_leader": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/people/1d757d7f-ddea-47bb-9d70-42b35b8fdc0c" }, "madek_institution:project_type": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/180f4c86-6944-43a5-a64b-40be739c5fc0" }, "madek_creative_work:hyperlinks": { "@value": "http://www.vakna.art", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_creative_work:project_title_en": { "@value": "Vakna", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_creative_work:project_title_de": { "@value": "Vakna", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_media_object:creator_of_media_object": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/people/6674ab00-2d3f-49ee-84f4-b7acd5d3bd64" }, "madek_institution:field_of_study": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/c43878cd-ab90-43d0-b065-3b90d44873df" }, "madek_creative_work:language": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/ffac649a-5824-4167-b17c-9f6c3aad142e" }, "madek_institution:semester": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/01b4d3a1-9b39-4249-a363-a7a954dff2e7" } }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:keywords", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Schlagworte" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Keywords" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:subtitle", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Untertitel" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Subtitle" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:title", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Titel" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Title" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:copyright_notice", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Urheberrechtshinweis" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Copyright Notice" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:description", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Beschreibung" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Description" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:description_en", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Beschreibung (en)" }, { 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"de", "@value": "Typ des Projekts/Werks" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Type of creative work" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:hyperlinks", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Internetlinks" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:project_title_en", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Titel des Projekts/Werks (en)" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Title of project or creative work (en)" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:project_title_de", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Titel des Projekts/Werks (de)" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Title of project or creative work (de)" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_media_object:creator_of_media_object", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Medienersteller/in" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_institution:field_of_study", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Fachgruppe" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Department" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Du kannst die Liste erweitern, indem du einen neuen Begriff eintippst, \"Enter\" drückst und abspeicherst. Dein neuer Begriff ist dann Teil der Liste und für alle User wählbar. Achte bitte darauf, sinnvolle Begriffe zu vergeben!" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "You can expand the list by typing in a new term, pressing \"Enter\" and saving. Your new term is then included in the list and accessible to all users. Please make sure to assign meaningful terms!" } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:language", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Sprache" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Language" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Du kannst die Liste erweitern, indem du einen neuen Ländercode eintippst, \"Enter\" drückst und abspeicherst. Bitte verwende ISO 639-1 Ländercodes!" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "You can expand the list by typing in a new language code, pressing \"Enter\" and saving. Please use ISO 639-1 country codes! " } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_institution:semester", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Semester" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Semester" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Findest du nicht, was du brauchst? Kurze Email an orc@hfg-karlsruhe.de, wir erweitern dann die Liste." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Can't find what you need? Just send an email to orc@hfg-karlsruhe.de and we'll extend the list." } ] }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/28a35c96-fe53-4add-a88a-6c8dc3d14568", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Körper" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/2a5ed4e4-1168-4947-b3c4-be36c8204780", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Art" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/6807c9ce-f34c-43fa-8546-6332a6269e81", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Selbsterfahrung" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/6b190179-c8ab-4fb3-a453-e0495215dfb2", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "3D" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/6f1e9610-fdbe-4457-8d0f-d61df3fecead", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Sebastian Finzenhagen" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/876efe98-8e52-438d-8cd4-ca1b29be0517", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "computer game" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/aa7fd4d8-10ce-46de-8e5e-bf4a1af1e497", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "self experience" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/e76d0611-146d-4d89-9872-b402e56ace94", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Body" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/180f4c86-6944-43a5-a64b-40be739c5fc0", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Diplomarbeit" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/0065fcad-86aa-46c5-bb79-c0a38f970600", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Medienkunst: Digitale Kunst/InfoArt" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/119d7410-2c15-4661-b93a-145dfb623439", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Medienkunst: GameLab" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/c43878cd-ab90-43d0-b065-3b90d44873df", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Medienkunst: 3D-Labor" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/75f8eab9-2cff-40b1-91ab-68b7cc04f67d", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "DE" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/ffac649a-5824-4167-b17c-9f6c3aad142e", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "EN" }, { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/01b4d3a1-9b39-4249-a363-a7a954dff2e7", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Wintersemester 2018/2019" }, { "@type": "madek:Person", "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/people/1d757d7f-ddea-47bb-9d70-42b35b8fdc0c", "rdfs:label": "Michael Bielicky" }, { "@type": "madek:Person", "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/people/6674ab00-2d3f-49ee-84f4-b7acd5d3bd64", "rdfs:label": "Sebastian Finzenhagen", "owl:sameAs": [ "https://baddaf.wixsite.com/sfinzenhagen" ] }, { "@id": "madek:MetaKey", "@type": "rdf:Property" }, { "@id": "madek:Role", "@type": "rdf:Property" } ] }