@prefix Keyword: .
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@prefix madek_institution: .
@prefix madek_media_object: .
@prefix madek_rights: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
a madek:MediaEntry;
madek_creative_work:city Keyword:be47acae-7e98-44ab-8944-90215fc463c9;
madek_creative_work:country Keyword:937c0389-2d68-4fae-8c83-70cc74d02d6b;
madek_creative_work:description_en "The talk and live music-led meditation session draws on sound design, psychology, neuroscience, folklore and diasporic spirituality. Studies of Air and Smoke is both an art performance and a meta-educational intervention; it is neither a concert nor a lecture. Thiago Leiros-Costa explores the dualism between being an artist and a scientist, performing both roles in the same evening and exploring their connections. The first part of the session assesses the nature of attention and awareness, and how the brain and our expectations are vital in constructing our experience of the world around us. Participants are invited to approach the second part, a musical performance, as a meditation session. Prompts and triggers given during the talk will be explored in the course of the performance. The music will range from folk to free improvisation and sound design."^^madek:Text;
madek_creative_work:hyperlinks "https://www.aftermemory.net"^^madek:Text;
madek_creative_work:language Keyword:ffac649a-5824-4167-b17c-9f6c3aad142e;
madek_creative_work:location "Media Theater"^^madek:Text;
madek_creative_work:location_institution Keyword:c0e71aa3-37ab-43e2-a03b-6e745a964bb3;
madek_creative_work:other_institutions Keyword:6d8517bd-05fa-4c25-a9da-2dd4e684cff7;
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madek_institution:project_category Keyword:02c24b55-8a28-4c33-a6fe-e1d4db5c07c5;
madek_core:authors ;
madek_core:copyright_notice "© Thiago Leiros-Costa, After Memory, photo: Markus Breig, KIT"^^madek:Text;
madek_core:portrayed_object_date "25.10.2024"^^madek:TextDate;
madek_core:title "Studies of Air and Smoke"^^madek:Text;
madek_media_object:alt-text "Ein Moment der Veranstaltung \"Studies of Air and Smokes\""^^madek:Text;
madek_media_object:alt-text_en "Impressions of the event \"Studies of Air and Smoke\""^^madek:Text;
madek_media_object:creator_of_media_object ;
madek_media_object:description "Ein Moment der Veranstaltung „Studies of Air and Smoke“"^^madek:Text;
madek_media_object:description_en "Impressions of the Event \"Studies of Air and Smoke\""^^madek:Text;
madek_media_object:project-title "Studies of Air and Smoke"^^madek:Text;
madek_media_object:relationship Keyword:50905ebd-b095-4e3f-91f8-9411414e15be;
madek_media_object:title_en "Studies of Air and Smoke"^^madek:Text;
madek_rights:licence Keyword:c80a7b89-7825-4505-991b-2df899964809 .
madek:Role a rdf:Property .
madek_creative_work:city a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Stadt"@de,
rdfs:comment "Du kannst die Liste erweitern, indem du einen neuen Begriff eintippst, \"Enter\" drückst und abspeicherst. Dein neuer Begriff ist dann Teil der Liste und für alle User wählbar. Achte bitte darauf, sinnvolle Begriffe zu vergeben!"@de,
"You can expand the list by typing in a new term, pressing \"Enter\" and saving. Your new term is then included in the list and accessible to all users. Please make sure to assign meaningful terms!"@en .
madek_creative_work:country a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Land"@de,
"Country"@en .
madek_creative_work:description_en a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Beschreibung (en)"@de,
"Description (en)"@en .
madek_creative_work:hyperlinks a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Internetlinks"@de .
madek_creative_work:language a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Sprache"@de,
rdfs:comment "Du kannst die Liste erweitern, indem du einen neuen Ländercode eintippst, \"Enter\" drückst und abspeicherst. Bitte verwende ISO 639-1 Ländercodes!"@de,
"You can expand the list by typing in a new language code, pressing \"Enter\" and saving. Please use ISO 639-1 country codes! "@en .
madek_creative_work:location a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Ort"@de,
"Location"@en .
madek_creative_work:location_institution a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Ort: Institution"@de,
"Location: institution"@en .
madek_creative_work:other_institutions a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Beteiligte Institution(en)"@de,
"Participating institution(s)"@en .
madek_creative_work:type a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Typ des Projekts/Werks"@de,
"Type of project / creative work"@en .
madek_institution:project_category a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Kategorie"@de,
"Category"@en .
Keyword:1c069879-04a7-475b-b1bf-63f4e1556b04 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Sparkasse Karlsruhe" .
Keyword:1e06319e-7f93-40e5-b9c7-196a4609d4e0 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Lecture Performance" .
Keyword:7b7cd58f-57c6-4927-899f-6bb241e8dd01 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe" .
Keyword:8a3e3bb2-2c40-4c39-83cd-9df598267500 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Fördergesellschaft ZKM / HfG" .
Keyword:ad4502c7-a6f9-49f8-a4f9-fbfc36f2c09b a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Audio/Sound" .
Keyword:e4422f2b-8737-4d12-855c-8a57da50f2e0 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Aufführung" .
Keyword:e504a57c-3c42-4bfb-a708-fe227f96ce9b a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe" .
Keyword:f630e219-1b9e-444e-a0d9-4bbcdae85cb9 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Konzert" .
Keyword:ff73b297-acba-4bc3-86fa-ab8275dc2b91 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "LBBW Stiftung" .
madek_core:authors a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Autor/in"@de,
"Author"@en .
madek_core:copyright_notice a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Urheberrechtshinweis"@de,
"Copyright Notice"@en .
madek_core:portrayed_object_date a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Datierung"@de,
"Date"@en .
madek_core:title a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Titel"@de,
"Title"@en .
madek_media_object:alt-text a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Alternativ-Text (de)"@de,
"Alternative text (de)"@en;
rdfs:comment "Using alt text properly:"@de,
"Using alt text properly:"@en .
madek_media_object:alt-text_en a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Alternativ-Text (en)"@de,
"Alternative text (en)"@en;
rdfs:comment "Using alt text properly:"@de,
"Using alt text properly:"@en .
madek_media_object:creator_of_media_object a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Medienersteller/in"@de .
madek_media_object:description a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Medien-Beschreibung"@de,
"Description of media"@en .
madek_media_object:description_en a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Medien-Beschreibung (en)"@de,
"Description of media (en)"@en .
madek_media_object:project-title a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Titel des übergeordneten Projekts/Werks"@de,
"Title of the parent project/work"@en .
madek_media_object:relationship a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Beziehung/Funktion"@de,
"Relationship/function"@en .
madek_media_object:title_en a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Titel (en)"@de,
"Title (en)"@en .
madek_rights:licence a madek:MetaKey;
rdfs:label "Rechtsschutz/Lizenz"@de,
"Legal protection / Licence"@en;
rdfs:comment "Hilfe zu den Creative-Common-Lizenzen:"@de,
"Help on the Creative Commons licenses:"@en .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Markus Breig" .
a madek:Person;
rdfs:label "Thiago Leiros-Costa";
owl:sameAs "https://scholar.google.com.vn/citations?user=9wlSjOwAAAAJ&hl=en",
"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q131238463" .
Keyword:02c24b55-8a28-4c33-a6fe-e1d4db5c07c5 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Theorie" .
Keyword:50905ebd-b095-4e3f-91f8-9411414e15be a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Dokumentation" .
Keyword:6d8517bd-05fa-4c25-a9da-2dd4e684cff7 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Karlsruhe City of Media Art" .
Keyword:937c0389-2d68-4fae-8c83-70cc74d02d6b a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Deutschland" .
Keyword:be47acae-7e98-44ab-8944-90215fc463c9 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Karlsruhe" .
Keyword:c0e71aa3-37ab-43e2-a03b-6e745a964bb3 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "ZKM" .
Keyword:c80a7b89-7825-4505-991b-2df899964809 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "CC BY-NC-SA: Namensnennung, nicht kommerziell, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen" .
Keyword:fa2ac3c0-0d66-4115-bb5a-96b4c6893af7 a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "Meditation Session" .
Keyword:ffac649a-5824-4167-b17c-9f6c3aad142e a madek:Keyword;
rdfs:label "EN" .
madek:MetaKey a rdf:Property .