@prefix Keyword: . @prefix madek: . @prefix madek_core: . @prefix madek_creative_work: . @prefix madek_institution: . @prefix madek_media_object: . @prefix madek_rights: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . a madek:MediaEntry; madek_creative_work:city Keyword:be47acae-7e98-44ab-8944-90215fc463c9; madek_creative_work:country Keyword:937c0389-2d68-4fae-8c83-70cc74d02d6b; madek_creative_work:description_en """“Critical Zones”: Developing concepts and approaches for grasping the New Climatic Regime (Bruno Latour), that is the transformations in the relations of humans to their “terrestrial” conditions of existence. – The seminar series of Bruno Latour at HfG analyses these transformations as epistemic breaks and shifts of knowledge by drawing an analogy to the scientific revolution in the 17th century, where, after a crisis of former sound knowledge, new epistemic systems, representations and narrations in art, science, and religion had to be constructed and reintegrated into new dispositifs of knowledge. The project tackles an important aesthetic question, which overpasses simple forms of illustration of knowledge: How central is the imaginary capacity of the arts in constructing representations and narrations that are depictions and “generators” of new knowledge systems and therefore vital means of cultural change? The exhibition at HfG in November will display some preliminary results of the projects developed by the seminar participants. It presents an opportunity to discuss – in a mode of work-in-progress – research questions, aesthetic approaches and epistemic experiments with colleagues and students of HfG and ZKM. Opening: Nov 7, 19:00; duration: Nov 8, 10:00-19:00, Nov 9, 10:00-15:00 HfG, mittlere Lichtbrücke"""^^madek:Text; madek_creative_work:location "mittlere Lichtbrücke"^^madek:Text; madek_creative_work:location_institution Keyword:a71d60f1-0f2c-4abe-be21-8c4402f9ac4e; madek_creative_work:other_creative_participants ; madek_creative_work:other_institutions Keyword:7b7cd58f-57c6-4927-899f-6bb241e8dd01; madek_creative_work:title_en "Critical Zones"^^madek:Text; madek_creative_work:type Keyword:c49b9e38-2349-4ce8-8b19-2d3e661182a7; madek_institution:field_of_study Keyword:0969e413-b980-475d-b899-22ed9eec72c3; madek_institution:project_leader ; madek_institution:semester Keyword:01b4d3a1-9b39-4249-a363-a7a954dff2e7; madek_core:authors ; madek_core:copyright_notice "Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe"^^madek:Text; madek_core:description """“Critical Zones”: Developing concepts and approaches for grasping the New Climatic Regime (Bruno Latour), that is the transformations in the relations of humans to their “terrestrial” conditions of existence. – The seminar series of Bruno Latour at HfG analyses these transformations as epistemic breaks and shifts of knowledge by drawing an analogy to the scientific revolution in the 17th century, where, after a crisis of former sound knowledge, new epistemic systems, representations and narrations in art, science, and religion had to be constructed and reintegrated into new dispositifs of knowledge. The project tackles an important aesthetic question, which overpasses simple forms of illustration of knowledge: How central is the imaginary capacity of the arts in constructing representations and narrations that are depictions and “generators” of new knowledge systems and therefore vital means of cultural change? The exhibition at HfG in November will display some preliminary results of the projects developed by the seminar participants. It presents an opportunity to discuss – in a mode of work-in-progress – research questions, aesthetic approaches and epistemic experiments with colleagues and students of HfG and ZKM. Opening: Nov 7, 19:00; duration: Nov 8, 10:00-19:00, Nov 9, 10:00-15:00 HfG, mittlere Lichtbrücke"""^^madek:Text; madek_core:keywords Keyword:8506542e-669f-4210-a73c-0bed2d55490c; madek_core:portrayed_object_date "07.11.2018 - 09.11.2018"^^madek:TextDate; madek_core:title "Critical Zones"^^madek:Text; madek_media_object:project-title "Critical Zones"^^madek:Text; madek_media_object:title_en "Critical Zones"^^madek:Text; madek_rights:licence Keyword:408b4043-5f9b-4a87-a096-6d0e96b90ad5; madek_rights:usage_hfg Keyword:27bb1283-5389-4bc6-bc41-57e7b46fe85d . madek:Role a rdf:Property . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "Daniel Irrgang" . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "Mira Hirtz" . madek_creative_work:city a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Stadt"@de, "City"@en; rdfs:comment "Du kannst die Liste erweitern, indem du einen neuen Begriff eintippst, \"Enter\" drückst und abspeicherst. Dein neuer Begriff ist dann Teil der Liste und für alle User wählbar. Achte bitte darauf, sinnvolle Begriffe zu vergeben!"@de, "You can expand the list by typing in a new term, pressing \"Enter\" and saving. Your new term is then included in the list and accessible to all users. Please make sure to assign meaningful terms!"@en . madek_creative_work:country a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Land"@de, "Country"@en . madek_creative_work:description_en a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Beschreibung (en)"@de, "Description (en)"@en . madek_creative_work:location a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Ort"@de, "Location"@en . madek_creative_work:location_institution a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Ort: Institution"@de, "Location: institution"@en . madek_creative_work:other_creative_participants a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Mitwirkende / weitere Personen"@de . madek_creative_work:other_institutions a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Beteiligte Institution(en)"@de, "Participating institution(s)"@en . madek_creative_work:title_en a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Titel (en)"@de, "Title (en)"@en . madek_creative_work:type a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Typ des Projekts/Werks"@de, "Type of project / creative work"@en . madek_institution:field_of_study a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Fachgruppe"@de, "Department"@en . madek_institution:project_leader a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Projektleiter/in"@de . madek_institution:semester a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Semester"@de, "Semester"@en . Keyword:908eb571-1452-465c-8b1d-dfa64d0b54b6 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Anthropozän" . Keyword:951edd5f-727d-42fb-9f2f-82fcdcc7499d a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Ökologie" . madek_core:authors a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Autor/in"@de, "Author"@en . madek_core:copyright_notice a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Urheberrechtshinweis"@de, "Copyright Notice"@en . madek_core:description a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Beschreibung"@de, "Description"@en . madek_core:keywords a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Schlagworte"@de, "Keywords"@en . madek_core:portrayed_object_date a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Datierung"@de, "Date"@en . madek_core:title a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Titel"@de, "Title"@en . madek_media_object:project-title a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Titel des übergeordneten Projekts/Werks"@de, "Title of the parent project/work"@en . madek_media_object:title_en a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Titel (en)"@de, "Title (en)"@en . madek_rights:licence a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Rechtsschutz/Lizenz"@de, "Legal protection / Licence"@en; rdfs:comment "Hilfe zu den Creative-Common-Lizenzen:"@de, "Help on the Creative Commons licenses:"@en . madek_rights:usage_hfg a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Freigabe Nutzung HfG"@de, "Permission usage HfG"@en; rdfs:comment "Diese Angabe sollte wenn möglich die Lizenzangabe lediglich ergänzen oder spezifizieren."@de, "If possible, this entry should only supplement or specify the license information."@en . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "Johanna Ziebritzki" . Keyword:01b4d3a1-9b39-4249-a363-a7a954dff2e7 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Wintersemester 2018/2019" . Keyword:0969e413-b980-475d-b899-22ed9eec72c3 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Kunstwissenschaft und Medienphilosophie" . Keyword:27bb1283-5389-4bc6-bc41-57e7b46fe85d a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "HfG Website" . Keyword:408b4043-5f9b-4a87-a096-6d0e96b90ad5 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Unbekannt / Ungeklärt" . Keyword:7b7cd58f-57c6-4927-899f-6bb241e8dd01 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe" . Keyword:8506542e-669f-4210-a73c-0bed2d55490c a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Sociology of scientific knowledge" . Keyword:937c0389-2d68-4fae-8c83-70cc74d02d6b a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Deutschland" . Keyword:a71d60f1-0f2c-4abe-be21-8c4402f9ac4e a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Karlsruhe" . Keyword:be47acae-7e98-44ab-8944-90215fc463c9 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Karlsruhe" . Keyword:c49b9e38-2349-4ce8-8b19-2d3e661182a7 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Ausstellung" . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "Bruno Latour" . madek:MetaKey a rdf:Property .