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Seine wirtschaftliche Erschließung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nutzbarmachung des Wassers\", um die durch die Wissenschaft gerechtfertigte Ausbeutung zu untersuchen. Es verweist auch auf die Regulierung des Rheinflussbettes und die Standardisierung von Sprachen als weitere Folgen des \"aufgeklärten Kolonialismus\". Die Videoinstallation untersucht die Erzählungen wissenschaftlicher Erkundungen während der Kolonialzeit, eingebettet in einen futuristischen Kontext.", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_creative_work:description_en": { "@value": "The work draws on Theodor Rehbock's 1898 book, \"Deutsch Südwestafrika. Seine wirtschaftliche Erschließung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nutzbarmachung des Wassers\" (\"German South West Africa: Its Economic Development with Special Consideration of the Utilization of Water\") to examine the exploitation justified by science. It also references the regulation of the Rhine riverbed and the standardization of languages as further consequences of \"enlightened colonialism.\" The video installation explores the narratives of scientific explorations during the colonial era, embedded in a futuristic context.", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_media_object:relationship": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/50905ebd-b095-4e3f-91f8-9411414e15be" }, "madek_creative_work:location_institution": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/a71d60f1-0f2c-4abe-be21-8c4402f9ac4e" }, "madek_institution:project_category": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/ad4502c7-a6f9-49f8-a4f9-fbfc36f2c09b" }, "madek_institution:semester": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/d91b8920-893d-4aaa-b87d-9ebf6d2da530" }, "madek_institution:program_of_study": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/ca1b16eb-5f03-457d-9fe1-f009ec10197a" }, "madek_rights:usage_hfg": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/2fc8199e-c3dd-4ce9-92dd-af7411f3e8e2" }, "madek_institution:project_leader": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/people/e3e7be2e-d270-4ee7-91f2-a33316eddc79" }, "madek_creative_work:duration": { "@value": "3 min.", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_rights:licence": { "@id": "https://madek.hfg-karlsruhe.de/vocabulary/keyword/408b4043-5f9b-4a87-a096-6d0e96b90ad5" } }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_institution:field_of_study", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Fachgruppe" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Department" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_media_object:creator_of_media_object", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Medienersteller/in" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_media_object:project-title", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Titel des übergeordneten Projekts/Werks" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Title of the parent project/work" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:title", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Titel" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Title" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:other_creative_participants", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Mitwirkende / weitere Personen" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:type", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Typ des Projekts/Werks" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Type of project / creative work" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:authors", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Autor/in" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Author" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:portrayed_object_date", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Datierung" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Date" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:language", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Sprache" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Language" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Du kannst die Liste erweitern, indem du einen neuen Ländercode eintippst, \"Enter\" drückst und abspeicherst. Bitte verwende ISO 639-1 Ländercodes!" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "You can expand the list by typing in a new language code, pressing \"Enter\" and saving. Please use ISO 639-1 country codes! " } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:keywords", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Schlagworte" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Keywords" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:copyright_notice", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Urheberrechtshinweis" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Copyright Notice" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:description", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Beschreibung" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Description" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:description_en", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Beschreibung (en)" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Description (en)" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_media_object:relationship", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Beziehung/Funktion" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Relationship/function" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:location_institution", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Ort: Institution" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Location: institution" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_institution:project_category", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Kategorie" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Category" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_institution:semester", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Semester" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Semester" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_institution:program_of_study", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Studiengang" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Program of Study" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Die Liste der verfügbaren Studiengänge wird redaktionelle verwaltet. Ergänzungswünsche bitte per E-Mail an orc@hfg-karlsruhe.de" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "The list of available programs is maintained by editors. For any additions, please send an e-mail to orc@hfg-karlsruhe.de" } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_rights:usage_hfg", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Freigabe Nutzung HfG" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Permission usage HfG" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Diese Angabe sollte wenn möglich die Lizenzangabe lediglich ergänzen oder spezifizieren." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "If possible, this entry should only supplement or specify the license information." } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_institution:project_leader", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Projektleiter/in" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:duration", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Dauer" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Duration" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null 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