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Bitte verwende ISO 639-1 Ländercodes!" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "You can expand the list by typing in a new language code, pressing \"Enter\" and saving. Please use ISO 639-1 country codes! " } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_rights:usage_hfg", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Freigabe Nutzung HfG" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Permission usage HfG" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Diese Angabe sollte wenn möglich die Lizenzangabe lediglich ergänzen oder spezifizieren." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "If possible, this entry should only supplement or specify the license information." } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:keywords", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Schlagworte" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Keywords" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:location", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Ort" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Location" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:city", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Stadt" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "City" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Du kannst die Liste erweitern, indem du einen neuen Begriff eintippst, \"Enter\" drückst und abspeicherst. Dein neuer Begriff ist dann Teil der Liste und für alle User wählbar. Achte bitte darauf, sinnvolle Begriffe zu vergeben!" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "You can expand the list by typing in a new term, pressing \"Enter\" and saving. Your new term is then included in the list and accessible to all users. Please make sure to assign meaningful terms!" } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:country", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Land" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Country" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:location_institution", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Ort: Institution" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Location: institution" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:dimension", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Abmessungen" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Dimensions" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_institution:project_category", "rdfs:label": [ 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